Employer Resources
Employers are vital partners of the child support program. Employers work cooperatively with the child support program to ensure that children receive regular and consistent financial and medical support.
Pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code, all child support and cash medical support orders shall be withheld or deducted from the income or assets of the Child Support Obligor pursuant to a withholding or deduction notice or appropriate order.
If the parent is ordered to pay a family support obligation, the employer (or other source of income) will receive an Income Withholding order telling the employer how to withhold the support obligation. Please visit the Ohio Office of Child Support’s resources on complying with an income withholding order for more information – visit website
For more information on making support payments, visit the Ohio Office of Child Support’s website.
For assistance in calculating the amounts to withhold if the parent has multiple income withholding orders, visit https://www.ocda.us/eweb/
Employer Electronic Child Support Payment Options
Phone: 330) 287-5600
Fax: (330) 287-5623
¿Habla Usted Español?
(800) 216-6636
428 W. Liberty St., Suite 11,
Wooster, Ohio 44691